Just who died and made Karl Seigfried somebody who mattered?

If you ever read the Wild Hunt, you know that lately instead of being a pagan news source, it has devolved into a virtue signaling shit bin, either attacking gender critical feminists, encouraging mass groupthink, or criticizing Heathenry at every turn. A while back they published a ridiculous article where Karl “double bass” Seigfried compared the God Loki to Donald Trump. I won’t wade back into that shithole of an article. I will tackle the most recent one he wrote in regard to the New Zealand mosque attack. Here it is. https://wildhunt.org/2019/03/column-after-christchurch-declarations-or-deeds.html. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Before I do, I want to get a few things straight. I was Muslim for 17 years. I hold them no animosity, it just wasn’t for me. Second, I believe that whoever is called to the Gods should follow the Gods no matter their ethnic origins. That being said, I cannot police, or have any desire to, anyone who disagrees with my statements. I believe in absolute free thought and belief. Now let me offer my rebuttal to Karl’s shitty suggestions.

Karrllllllllll STFU

1. Quit looking to the SPLC for wisdom, they have faced criticism from all sides. If you don’t like folkish heathens stay the hell away from them.

2. I’m from the south. I will continue to use the word folk. Mind your own goddamn business Karl.

3. I will continue to venerate ancestors, because that’s what most non monotheistic religions do Karl. Most of us revere our Gods and the people who came before us. The Gods are not some silly game, or something to suit our whims and fancies. I will not water them down to make them safe or comfortable for virtue signaling SJW’s or monotheists who find my paganism uncomfortable.

4. Most heathens and pagans in general embrace the spirit of the Declaration. However it is unfair for you to assume otherwise, you Karl are no better than the right wing scumbags who lament that Muslims never speak out against terrorism. I see you hypocrite. How shitty of you to assume all heathens are somehow responsible for a few nazi nut jobs.

5. Affirmative action? Are you stupid? For religion? Are you going to coerce non whites into heathenry? Do Hindu’s actively seek out non South Asians to honor their Gods? Of course not, it’s insulting to all. If a person of color wants to embrace Odin, great, but I’m not going to seek them out, that’s what Christians do, Karl.

6. Honestly how many POC want to follow North European Gods? Let’s be real here? Are they beating down the Heathen door?

7. Really? One thing I always admired about Islam was their belief in fighting for what you believed in, to stand against injustice and be willing to fight and die for it. You know that Tyr and Odin are Great Gods of war right Karl? You know that these are ancient Gods? That sometimes we have to fight to defend the weak right? Odin isn’t Anthony Hopkins Karl, Asatru is not the Marvel Universe.

8. I have no problem with sensible gun laws. However I support the right to bear arms. Why….. because it’s my right. My right to self defense and as a sportswoman.

9. Here Karl you sound like George W. Bush after 9-11 urging Americans to spy on their neighbors. Nice.

10. You know what Karl? Hell naw. I’ll continue to call out toxic monotheism as I see fit. They erased the indigenous culture of my ancestors. I respect their religious rights but I will not water down my paganism to make them comfortable.

And to wrap this rant up….Karl go back to what you do best, which is apparently music. Or maybe the History Channel will have you on again if they bring Ancient Aliens back. Or maybe you can land a role on Vikings. Maybe they’ll let you have a Christian role. In other words I wish the pagan community would stop listening to this loser. Ancient aliens for GODS sake. Is this who we want speaking for us??