Fuck ISIL 

Ode to Manat

Before there was an Abdullah there was an Abd’manat

Slave to Time


Older than the oldest of stones

Bones hewn from the granite of the great earth


 You can’t keep a good goddess down


They circle their box

Shrouded in black

An ornate burqa

But beyond the barzakh

After it’s all done

They shave their heads

Before they go home


Mother Time

Cast your stones

No other, great mother

They’ve erased your words but

No merchant can steal the song

Or change the meaning of her great stone

Little boys run and weep

With their pricks held tight

In trembling hands

A goddess is a fearsome thing

To walk the land


And at the death of the merchant

It was the ancient Mother who laughed

Chastised , And brought the Fool home.

2 thoughts on “Fuck ISIL 

    1. Thank you 😀 I wrote this after coming to terms with some pagan elements that had been retained in Islam.


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